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Component that takes care of fetching and rendering data in a table format.




Array of objects that represent table columns along with some configurations that should apply to each of the columns (whether a column is sortable, hidable, etc).

interface TableHeader {
  key: string // must be unique for each column
  label: string // visible column header text
  sortable?: boolean // in a nutshell, this property defines whether sort icon should be displayed next to the column header and whether the column header will emit sort event upon clicking on it
  hidable?: boolean // allow toggling column visibility
  tooltip?: string // when provided, an info icon will be rendered next to the column label, upon hovering on which the tooltip will be revealed
  hideLabel?: boolean // whether column header text should be hidden (only visible to screen readers)
  useSortHandlerFunction?: boolean // whether KTable should use function passed through sortHandlerFunction prop to apply sorting logic to this column


If at least one column is hidable in the table, KTable will render a dropdown on the right of the table toolbar, directly above the table, which will provide an interface for showing/hiding columns to the user.

For an example of headers prop usage please refer to fetcher prop documentation below.


Function that handles data fetching, server-side search and pagination. It takes a single param as an argument which you can conveniently pass as a prop (see initialFetcherParams prop for details).

Fetcher function is expected to return an object with the following properties:

  • data - an array of objects to populate table with
  • total - the total count of items (if using pagination)

<script setup lang="ts">
const headers = [
  { key: 'name', label: 'Full Name' },
    key: 'username',
    label: 'Username',
    sortable: true,
    tooltip: 'Unique for each user.',
    useSortHandlerFunction: true
    key: 'email',
    label: 'Email',
    hidable: true

const fetcher = async (): Promise<any> => {
  // Fake delay
  await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 2000))

  const responseData = [
      id: 1,
      // notice that property keys in data object correspond to each respective key in headers const
      name: 'Leanne Graham', 
      username: 'Bret',
      email: ''
      id: 2,
      name: 'Ervin Howell',
      username: 'Antonette',
      email: ''

  return {
    data: responseData,
    total: responseData.length,

const sortHandlerFunction = ({ key, sortColumnOrder, data }) => {
  return data.sort((a, b) => {
    if (key === 'username') {
      if (sortColumnOrder === 'asc') {
        if (a.username > b.username) {
          return 1
        } else if (a.username < b.username) {
          return -1

        return 0
      } else {
        if (a.username > b.username) {
          return -1
        } else if (a.username < b.username) {
          return 1

        return 0

    return data


Notice that in the example above the Username column is sortable and the Email column is hidable. In this example sorting is handled on the client side, however should you want to apply server-side logic to handle sorting, you can bind your logic to the sort event and perform re-fetching of data as needed.


Fetcher function takes a single param - an object with the following properties:

interface FetcherParams {
  pageSize?: number // the number of items to display per page
  page?: number // the currently visible page
  query?: string // a text string to filter table data on (defined in the searchInput prop)
  sortColumnKey?: string // sortable column key (defined in the headers prop)
  sortColumnOrder?: 'asc' | 'desc' // sorting order
  offset?: string | null // the value of the offset for offset-based pagination. offset MUST be included in the fetcher params for offset-based pagination to work properly

For ease of configuration, all properties in the initialFetcherParams object have default fallback values:

  pageSize: 15,
  page: 1,
  query: '',
  sortColumnKey: '',
  sortColumnOrder: '',
  offset: null


Boolean to control whether the component should display the loading state. When not explicitly set, KTable will display the loading state until the function passed for the fetcher prop resolves.



Boolean to control whether the component should display the error state. Defaults to false. See error state section for more customization options.

An error occurred

Data cannot be displayed due to an error.



Allow table column width to be resizable (defaults to false). Adjusting a column's width will trigger an update:table-preferences event.



Boolean to enable client side sorting if using a fetcher that returns unpaginated data. Defaults to false. Use this in conjunction with sortHandlerFunction prop.


Pass a custom sort handler function to handle sorting table data for specific columns.


If clientSort prop is true but no sortHandlerFunction provided, KTable will apply some default logic for client side sorting. This may produce unexpected results. We recommend always providing a sortHandlerFunction when using client side sorting.

The function can take an object with these properties as the only argument:

interface SortHandlerFunctionParam {
  key: string // the key of the column to be sorted
  prevKey: string // the key of the column previously sorted
  sortColumnOrder: 'asc' | 'desc' // the order in which to sort the column (asc or desc)
  data: Array<any> // the data returned from the fetcher function response


Please note that you have to set clientSort prop to true as well as to pass sortable: true and useSortHandlerFunction: true in the respective headers object to make a column sortable via sortHandlerFunction.

Please refer to fetcher prop documentation for example.


Boolean to control whether table should display hover state upon hovering rows. Defaults to true.


Table preferences object for persisting some configs.

interface TablePreferences {
  pageSize?: number // the number of items to display per page
  sortColumnKey?: string // the column to sort by's `key` defined in the table headers
  sortColumnOrder?: SortColumnOrder // the order by which to sort the column, one of `asc` or `desc`
  columnWidths?: Record<string, number> // the customized column widths, if resizing is allowed
  columnVisibility?: Record<string, boolean> // column visibility, if visibility is toggleable
  :table-preferences="{ columnVisibility: { email: false } }"


The fetcher functionality makes use of SWRV to handle caching of response data. In order to take advantage of this caching, SWRV needs a way to identify which cache entry is associated with the table.

The identifier should be a string and will default to '' if not provided. In that scenario, we will generate a random ID for the identifier every time the table is mounted.


This identifier must be unique across all KTable instances across the entire Vue app, otherwise there is a risk that SWRV will return the cached data of the wrong table.


Whenever the cache key is changed the fetcher will automatically be called and attempt to fetch new table data.


<script setup lang="ts">
const cacheKey = ref<number>(1)

const itemDeleted = (): void => {
  cacheKey.value++ // triggers refetch or reactivity

An alternate implementation is to apply a key attribute to the KTable in conjunction with a fetcher and the SWRV revalidate function. To prevent unnecessary calls on mount, the key ref should have an initial value of 0.

Since the fetcher function will handle the initial fetch of the data, we want the cache key for the revalidate function to be a falsey value on page load (to avoid an unnecessary duplicate call), and will manually call revalidate() and increment the key to trigger a refetch and redraw of the table.

  <KTable :key="key" :fetcher="fetcher" :headers="headers" />

<script setup lang="ts">
const key = ref<string>(0) // initialized to zero

const fetcher = async ({ pageSize, page, query, offset = null }) => {
  try {
    const res = await services.getAll(pageSize, offset)

    // handle data
  } catch (error) {
    // handle error

const { revalidate } = composables.useRequest(
  () => key.value && `service-list-${key.value}`, // will evaluate to falsey on mount, preventing an extra call
  () => { return fetcher() }

const handleDelete = (id): void => {
  try {
    const res = await services.delete(id)

  } catch (error) {
    // handle error


Pass in a string of search input for server-side table filtering.


Set this to false to disable ability to sort.


Function for adding custom attributes to each row. The function should return an object with key: value pairs for each attribute.

The passed function receives row value object as an argument.

  :row-attrs="(row) => { return { 'data-testid': `row-${}` } }"


Function for adding custom attributes to each table cell. The function should return an object with key: value pairs for each attribute.

The passed function receives an object with these parameters as an argument:

  headerKey: string // header key
  row: object // row value
  rowIndex: number // row index
  colIndex: index // column index
  :cell-attrs="({ headerKey, row }) => { return { 'data-testid': `column-${headerKey}-row-${}` } }"


KTable uses KPagination component under the hood and exposes a few props as a way to modify how pagination looks and behaves in tables. See KPagination docs for more details and examples:

  • paginationTotalItems
  • paginationNeighbors
  • paginationPageSizes
  • paginationOffset
  • disablePaginationPageJump


Set this to true to hide pagination when using a fetcher.


Set this to true to hide pagination when the table record count is less than or equal to the pageSize.




Set the following props to handle empty state:

  • emptyStateTitle - Title text for empty state
  • emptyStateMessage - Message for empty state
  • emptyStateIconVariant - Icon variant for empty state (see KEmptyState component props)
  • emptyStateActionMessage - Button text for empty state action
  • emptyStateActionRoute - Route for empty state action


Should you want to display an icon inside of action button, you can use empty-state-action-icon slot.

When empty state action button is clicked, KTable emits the empty-state-action-click event.

  empty-state-title="No Workspaces exist"
  empty-state-message="Adding a new Workspace will populate this table."
  empty-state-action-message="Create a Workspace"
  <template #empty-state-action-icon>
    <AddIcon />


Set the error prop to true to enable the error state.

An error occurred

Data cannot be displayed due to an error.


Set the following properties to customize error state:

  • errorStateTitle - Title text for error state
  • errorStateMessage - Message for error state
  • errorStateActionMessage - Button text for error state action
  • errorStateActionRoute - Route for error state action

A error-action-click event is fired when error state action button is clicked.

Something went wrong

Error loading data.

  error-state-title="Something went wrong"
  error-state-message="Error loading data."
  error-state-action-message="Report an Issue"


Column Header

You can slot in your custom content into each column header. For that, use column key value prefixed with column-* like in the example below.

Slot props:

  • column - column header object


Header slot container is a display: flex; element that takes care of spacing between slotted items so you can slot in your items without having to worry about adding margin between them.

  <template #column-email="{ column }">
    {{ column.label }} <KBadge>Beta</KBadge>


You can slot in each individual cell content. Each cell slot is name after the key it corresponds to.

Slot props:

  • row - table row object
  • rowKey - table row index
  • rowValue - the cell value
    <template #email="{ rowValue }">
      <KCopy :text="rowValue" />
    <template #actions>
        <template #default>
            <template #icon>
              <MoreIcon />
        <template #items>

<script setup lang="ts">
const headers = [
  { key: 'name', label: 'Full Name' },
  { key: 'username', label: 'Username' },
  { key: 'email', label: 'Email' },
    key: 'actions',
    label: 'Row actions',
    hideLabel: true

const fetcher = () => {
  // fetcher logic

Header Tooltip

If you want to utilize HTML in the column header's tooltip, use the slot. Similar to column header slot, use column key value prefixed with tooltip-* like in the example below.

Slot props:

  • column - column header object
  <template #tooltip-email>
    HubSpot Id: <code>8576925e-d7e0-4ecd-8f14-15db1765e69a</code>


Toolbar is rendered directly above the table. Useful for slotting table controls like search or filter fields.

Slot props:


Toolbar slot container is a display: flex; element that takes care of spacing between slotted items so you can slot in your items without having to worry about adding margin between them.

  <template #toolbar>
    <KInput placeholder="Search">
      <template #before>
        <SearchIcon />
    <KButton size="large">
      <AddIcon /> Add user


Slot content to be displayed when empty.


Slot for icon to be displayed in front of action button text in empty state. See empty state section for example of usage of this slot.


Slot content to be displayed when in error state.


Row Events

@row:{event} - returns the Event, the row item, and the type. row-click event is emitted whenever a row is clicked and the row click event handler is fired, returns the row data.

To avoid firing row clicks by accident, the row click handler ignores events coming from a, button, label, input, and select elements (unless they have the disabled attribute). As such click handlers attached to these element types do not require stopping propagation via @click.stop.

Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
External link
External link
External link

Cell Events

@cell:{event} - returns the Event, the cell value, and the type. cell-click event is emitted whenever a cell is clicked and the cell click event handler is fired, returns the cell data.

Column 1
Column 2
Column 3
External link
External link
External link


Fired when user clicks on a sortable column heading. Event payload is object of type TableSortPayload:

interface TableSortPayload {
  prevKey: string
  sortColumnKey: string
  sortColumnOrder: string


Fired when the table state changes. Returns an object of type TableStatePayload:

interface TableStatePayload {
  state: TableState
  hasData: boolean

type TableState = 'loading' | 'error' | 'success' | 'empty'


Emitted when empty state action button is clocked.


Emitted when error state action button is clicked.


Fired when the user changes the table's page size, performs sorting, resizes columns or toggles column visibility. Event payload is object of type TablePreferences interface (see tablePreferences prop for details).


update:table-preferences event only fires when KTable is in success state (see state event for details).

Released under the Apache-2.0 License.